Friday, October 24, 2008

Bring It On!

In the dusty dawn, while traveling back from a deep and peaceful sleep, my Lord Jesus showed himself swooping down into the fenced yard with His army of warring angles in tow. He had come to do battle for the hearts and minds of those still entrapped by Satan’s lying tongue.

Stand by for a late breaking report from behind enemy lines! Sandy a/k/a “Grammy” Sandy here coming to you an embedded reporter for the VICJPM Network (Victories in Christ Juvenile Prison Ministries) positioned on the front line of the continuing battle between the seed of serpent and the seed of the woman.

The day was perfect, complete, and orderly, as the glory of Lord Jesus inhabited his people at Medlock Juvenile prison.

When the people of God willingly follow, the Glory of the Lord is ushered in. Rich led the singers who announced the procession of the Lord. His clear voice evidenced his warrior’s heart while strumming a string of songs to announce King Jesus. The battle was heating up and Satan was on notice this day would not be business as usual.

Jerry brandished the sword of the Spirit and the battle was on for the hearts and minds of Ninety-Six young men seated on the field of conquest. Courageously slashing and jabbing with the truth of the living God Jerry challenged all to consider Christ.

While the Saints, positioned strategically on the sidelines, lifted this man of God high Jesus and his army ministered among the rows. Jerry tells them Jesus came for all of mankind and that he loved them enough to die a bloody death so they could be assured their eternity would be spent in the presence of almighty God. Just as he came all those many years ago he comes for them now. Christ’s gift is free to man, he paid the price, now it is their choice to invite him in and make him Lord of their lives. For the sake of eternity Jesus is the great multi-tasker. He wields the sword of truth to cut the evil back behind enemy lines. Then as the wounded lay bleeding and broken in a heap of despair he kneels gently on blood soaked ground of broken promises to minister the assurance of healing grace.

Many of the young men responded to the Great Physician’s touch while reciting words of confession they interned into a new life with a raptured heart. Praises be lifted high to the throne room of God!

With passion and great conviction Jerry fed the word and some swallowed it as pure honey, sweet to the pallet. Others only wetted their lips with saccharin sweetness insured to linger for days to come.

One of several faithful mentor-scouts reports has a David and Jonathan team residing in dorm Three. Young men focused on the heart of Jesus as they witness to others in their dorm while strategically planning to minister to their families upon release. God continues to rise up an army for the gospel; the good new that Jesus is Lord and liberty comes by grace through repentance.

All participants in a theatre of war understand sure success of any military operation depends on prior preparation; the advance of the kingdom of King Jesus takes no exception to that rule. It has been reported many Saints spent much time in preparation for this battle. All labored in prayer crying out to God for the souls of these young men. There was a special detachment that baked cookies for that special touch which showed Christ’s desire only for the best for his children. A gallant warrior prepared hot dogs for all on his mobile smoker grill. The gentle and quite spirit of the handmaids of Christ served like those revered in Proverbs. It takes the God given resources and talents of the entire body of the church house to fight the battle, tend to the wounded and feed the troops.

As sure as God promises to waste not He is true to his word. Three Godly warriors bared their souls for the cause of Christ. Each had similar stories of past crimes against man and God landing them behind concrete blocks and steel doors. With tender hearts they courageously shared how God knew them in their sin and cared enough to come down off his throne to where they were to pierce them with Godly truth. Today they are called by God to minister to those in bondage, held captive by selfish desire.

The precious time with these dear ones seemed to be at an end before it began. While they filed out by rows the volunteers organized into groups and prepared for visits within each of the eight dorm rooms. There are twelve residents to a dorm. All of the volunteers are willing. I see some are nervous. Many have not experienced the slam of cold steel doors locking tight behind them. They are willing. Some fear they have nothing to share, but they go anyway. They are obedient to the Lord, trusting him.

Breaking new! It looks like the volunteers are returning from the dorm rooms. Let’s listening in:

“Can you believe how many great question they had about the Bible? They are really seeking answers to tough questions.”

“The guys in our dorm were so thankful that we took our time to visit with them, when can we go back?”

“I asked one kid about his family, he said no one comes to visit him. My heart is breaking.”

“So many of the kids want Bibles many more than we thought needed Bibles.”

“One boy who is fifteen and looks barely twelve asked for a Bible. He said, I would really like one with those gold pages. I just really like that kind.”

“Did you see how honestly troubled the one kid was because he has tried to stop cursing, prayed to stop, did stop for a day and then the very next day he was back to cursing? We need more time with him to explain repentance, grace and redemption”

“When will be able to adopt an other dorm?”

The day started with confirmation that the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, King Jesus would rage a battle snatching his precious image bearers from the arthritic claws of the evil one while rendering him and his demons useless. From this reporters vantage point it was evident the God of the Universe stooped down and used gentle Christians with their willing hearts and humble obedient spirits to work his healing touch and bind up the broken hearted. A stronghold was breached but; only through continued prayer and one on one care do the walls remain strong and the enemy held back.

This is Sandy a/k/a “Grammy” Sandy an embedded reporter for the VICJPM Network (Victories in Christ Juvenile Prison Ministries) signing off for now from the front lines of the continuing battle between the seed of serpent and the seed of the woman. As evidenced today: Always remembering to press on in the strong name of Jesus Christ and never underestimate the life giving power of God.

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